Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An Itty Bitty Introduction

I can hardly believe that two months ago we kissed our little man for the very first time. While I've shared countless updates via Instagram (hashtag #ittybittybabymauras), I'm finally ready for him to make his online debut.

Welcome to the world [wide web], little Jasper Lawrence!

Jasper was born on November 20th at 9:47 p.m. weighing 7lb 13oz and measuring 21 and 3/4 inches. It was love at first sight.

That's a good thing too because he is definitely not an 'easy' baby. We've had our share of tearful nights and I'm not just talking about this little guy... Ha! He does have an awfully adorable cry though, doesn't he?

There were plenty of issues over the last nine weeks - breastfeeding and colic being at the top of the list. In a future post, I'll share a little bit about our breastfeeding journey and where we're at today. In short, it's been a reminder that no matter how much you plan and research, things don't always go your way. It's been tough but even when I'm going on less than 2 hours of sleep for the day, I look at him, and I feel nothing but the deepest love.

Joe and I are ridiculously obsessed with this child. We feel so complete with him in our lives. Because, you know, no household is complete without blood curdling screams between the hours of 5p and 10p everyday.

I kid (sort of); it hasn't been all bad. In fact, most moments are full of a happiness that I never knew existed. It's hard to believe that he was that little blip on the very first ultrasound at 6 weeks. During the pregnancy, we talked to him, gave him a personality and thought we knew him. While he's definitely not what we expected (Itty bitty body? Bald little head with blonde peach fuzz? Blue eyes?) it's already been so rewarding getting to know the 'real' Jasper. Getting to see him grow and learn to express himself is the best ever.

We have over 3000 pictures of Jasper already.... OVERBOARD MUCH? Definitely not! My heart melts every single time his little gummy grin makes an appearance. And when he holds on to me extra tight, I turn into a bowl of mush. I just love him so.

He has impacted me in a way that fulfills all of my expectations but also surprises me all at once. Motherhood. It's everything I've ever wanted and nothing I thought it would be. I'm so lucky to be his Mama.

I'll end this with a little GIF that makes me smile every time - TWINNING!

As you probably gathered, I took a little maternity leave to enjoy my pregnancy and to bond with our itty bitty baby but rest assured, I am back! There are so many wonderful things planned for the next few months! Stay tuned.


  1. Congrats he is so cute! Love the matching shirts :) it will get easier too and eventually you will barely remember the hard times.

  2. Oh Jess, he is EVERYTHING I hoped & TWICE as Gorgeous!!! 21 and 3/4 inches, ya think he's going to be tall?!!
    LOVE Indeed & welcome back!!!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess

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