Monday, December 10, 2012

Insta Replay Monday #12

Happy Monday! Can you believe that there are only two weeks until Christmas Eve? I've been counting down the days for about 3 months and now it's almost here. I know I should be excited but actually, I'm kind of bummed. Before you know it, the festivities will be over. I can't be the only one like this. Despite being busy and spending a lot of time prepping while the Mr. was away, it was fairly uneventful in terms of Instagram photos.

Work. Work. Work.
Dinner date with old friends.
Sleepover with one of my best friends.
Other best friend got a puppy from the same rescue we used. 
Babysat. Twice. Six little children.
Major haircut and color change.  
Driving to the city in the dark all by myself.
Christmas shopping, crafting, and home-cooked meals.
Yep, that's about it.

Have a wonderful Monday! Oh and don't forget to check back later this week for:

  • A new take on yarn wrapped trees
  • A simple stocking stuffer
  • A rustic pinecone decor piece

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same about Christmas as you do! My mood is very unchristmas-y at the moment (if that is even a word) and that sucks!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess

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