Wednesday, July 4, 2012

All-American Apple Crumble

I hope you had a very happy Independence Day and spent it like me: celebrating our wonderful country, enjoying all of the freedoms we have, and eating delicious barbecue fare. You gotta love being an American! What's more American than a good ole apple pie? In our household, we love apples in all shapes and forms. Apple pie, apple fritters, caramel apples, spiced apple cider, apple doughnuts, and of course, apple crumble.  

I put together a couple of these crumbles for my coworkers, neighbors, and our 4th of July Pool Party. The Mr. loves Dutch Apple Pie but is not a fan of crust, so this crumble is everything he loves and nothing more. This is adapted from a recipe I got from a family friend (Man Bait Apple Crisp) and tweaked the ratio of sugar to flour and added a combo of chopped nuts and now it is sheer perfection. 

INGREDIENTS (for two 9" round crisps, or one heaping 8x13")
     1 and 1/4 cups chopped pecans
     1/2 cup chopped walnuts
     1/4 cup sliced almonds
     2 cups flour
     2 cups brown sugar
     2/3 cup quick oats
     1 teaspoon cinnamon
     2 sticks sweet cream butter (1 cup), softened

     12 Granny Smith apples
     3 tablespoons Sugar in the Raw
     3 tablespoons white sugar
     1/4 cup flour
     3 teaspoons cinnamon


  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Peel, core, and slice apples
  • In a large mixing bowl combine all ingredients for the filling and toss
  • Grease the baking dishes with butter or cooking spray
  • Pack the apple mixture into the dishes (pile it up as it will decrease in volume)
  • Add all of the topping ingredients to one large bowl
  • Using a fork or your bare hands if you're like me combine the ingredients until crumbly and slightly crumbly
  • If it gets too soft, place in the fridge to chill for 10-15 minutes
  • Generously sprinkle the topping over the apples
  • Place in oven and bake for 45-50 minutes
  • Spoon into mini mason jars for a perfectly portable treat that is great for BBQs, picnics, or just tomorrow's lunch at work. Serve with whipped cream and a dollop of vanilla ice cream for extra mouthwatering goodness.

If this whet your appetite, consider following Spool and Spoon through Google Friend Connect or by email for other easy recipes and fun DIY projects.

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  1. Like you I love serving food in jars...I make yoghurt and apple and a healthy crumble mixture and layer it into my jars for breakfast it yummy and you can take it with you for morning tea or lunch on the go ..
    Sherrie from Simpleliving :)

    1. That's a great idea! I always think dessert in jars but breakfast on the go is ingenious. Thanks for stopping by!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess

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