Sunday, August 19, 2012

Birthday Fun in Philadelphia

I bet you didn't know that Saturday was my 24th birthday! If you just put two and two together, then you now know that we moved into our house on my birthday last year. That was probably the most eventful birthday ever so this year I just wanted to take it easy.  I'm not sure if everyone else looks forward to their birthdays as much as I do, but I always feel like a little kid on August 18th. [Give me a few more years and this feeling will probably fade away haha.]

I think I feel this positively about birthdays because I'm married to the sweetest guy ever who goes out of his way to spoil me each year. In addition to the presents that blew me away (he knows me too well), the Mr. treated me to an afternoon in our favorite city. We visited the Philadelphia Art Museum's current exhibition: Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia, lounged amid the gardens on the museum lawn, and had a surprise dinner at Davio's. The evening was topped off with some drinks and a delicious tiramisu.

Side note: If you get a chance to visit one of the northern Italian steakhouse's four locations, I highly suggest it. The Mr. and I both ranked our meals in our "top three." The food was astounding and all of the employees were attentive and professional. 

As I mentioned earlier, the Mr. got me some great gifts. Christmas had been a holiday full of kitchen gadgets but my birthday was made complete with tons of crafting goodness and some fashionable accessories on the side. You'll see a lot of the items in future posts and I'll be sure to point them out when the time comes.

I hope everyone else had as nice weekend as I did! Unfortunately, it left me with little time to really work on anything. Check back later this week for a delicious "breakfast for dinner" recipe and some crafty fun!


  1. Happy birthday Jess! Sounds like you had a blast! I guess it's hard to beat a weekend like that ;-) My birthday is in two weeks, so we're starting to plan what we can do then =) xo Anja

    1. Thank you :) It was nice to do some of the stuff that we always feel "too busy" to do. We spent a couple of hours aimlessly walking around the museum after we saw the exhibit. It was definitely an enjoyable afternoon!

    2. AND -- I cannot wait to see what you end up doing! Birthdays are the best :)

  2. Happy belated Birthday to you Jessica! and...I say always keep feeling like you do....enjoying your BD's it will keep you young. :) Especially adding a sweet hubby in the mix. lol be 24 again...enjoy every moment because they are all special.

    Birthday hugs to you.

    1. Thank you! I hope I always feel this way because it's sad to see other people with such disdain towards their "special day." It definitely helps to be married to a guy who doesn't mind doing things that are all for me either :-p

      Thanks again!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess

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