
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our Top 3 Cloth Diaper Picks

Convincing my hubby to use cloth diapers was pretty darn easy. Who would have guessed that three months later we would both be fluff fanatics in our house.

Every family has their preferences but we're obsessed with the one-size options from the BumGenius and Flip brands. Only the best on our baby's bum!

Friday, February 27, 2015

How I Got Cloth Diapers "Hubby Approved"

While I was pregnant I came up with this *crazy* idea that I wanted our little baby to be diapered in cloth. The only factor I still had to consider was my generally sane husband's reaction. How do I convince him that cloth diapering was not outdated or wacky, and would actually be the best decision for our new family?

I researched. I read. I reviewed all the options. When I finally felt confident that I had all the info I needed, I sprung the idea on Joe.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Pinteresting Solution #1 - Litter & Sock Frost Trick

Ever come across one of those seemingly silly hacks or straight out genius tips on Pinterest and wonder why you didn't think of it first? Every week, I'll feature a new one that caught my eye and share the success or failure. If you see something interesting, send it in my direction!

We've been in a deep freeze up north. Thankfully, we haven't gotten the same amount of snow as our neighbors in New England but it's been pretty darn cold. While browsing Pinterest, I came across a link to some winter hacks on Buzzfeed. I'm more than glad to jump on any tips to help conquer the frozen tundra outside.

This one specifically caught my attention:
"You can also use a stocking or sock filled with cat litter to prevent frost."
(image via buzzfeed)

Prevent frost? Considering my hubby isn't a morning person I thought this tip would be invaluable for him. This trick could easily save him a couple minutes each morning and every minute counts when you're already late and leaving during rush hour.

Let the experiment begin!

According to the site, all you need is a sock and cat litter. I think a funnel is pretty helpful as well.

Simply slip the funnel into a tube sock (no holes, please!), and pour the litter in until the foot section is completely full. I tied mine off with a knot but you could sew it shut as well. Place the filled sock on your dash and wait until morning.

I stuck the sock on my dash and waited until morning to check on my car. NOTHING HAPPENED. Well, something happened. Something being frost. Lots of frost. 

Supposedly the sock will absorb the moisture in the air and stave off frost. Hmm. Well, considering that frost is on the OUTSIDE of the window, I should have thought this through. My conclusion, a kitty litter sock does not prevent frosted windows. This hack is a big fat hoax. Maybe it'd prevent foggy windows but I'm not going to wait and see. 

I guess you can't believe everything you read on the internet (ha!). If you see other craft, cooking, or cleaning hacks on the web, let me know! I'll put it to the test and see if it's actually a pinteresting solution or not.

I'm linking to:

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Photo Shoot - Perfect Last Minute Gift

Having a child at any holiday seems to make it 10x more special. But with the need to instill traditions while keeping things Pinterest-perfect, there is a lot of pressure as well. I am definitely not immune. Celebrating Baby's First Everything puts me in a tizzy. I want to document it all. It's also important to spoil the grandparents with baby love. For Thanksgiving we did footprint turkeys. At Christmas, we made handprint ornaments. I figured for Valentine's Day it was probably time to let up on the body parts haha.

Instead, we did a mini photo shoot for Valentine's Day and guess what - you can too! I promise, it's not too late. Within 15 minutes of shooting, I had the perfect custom Valentine for baby J's grandparents.

With places like Target Photo that print cards in store (or even using your own printer and cardstock at home) you can have cards printed within an hour of doing the shoot. About 10 minutes after placing my order, I got the email confirmation that my prints were ready for pick up!

What you need is minimal at best. A piece of fabric for a backdrop, a couple glitter hearts, and a coordinating holiday shirt. No pants necessary folks!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Rosé and Lime Spritzer & Festive Wine Glasses

Are you preparing a Valentine's Day dinner at home? Maybe you're super wonderful and hosting a Galentine's Day Brunch this Saturday morning? Or, if you're anything like me, you like the idea of having another fun beverage idea up your sleeve!
This Rosé and Lime Spritzer is super simple and absolutely refreshing.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

MommyCon 2015 + Discount Code

Motherhood comes with lots of unexpected perks - who doesn't love storytime and midday snuggles? I know Joe and I are enjoying bedtime books way more than the little guy considering we're the ones saying "just one more." Two words: Dr. Seuss. It's also a time for you to start finding yourself as a couple - a couple of parents. As I shared earlier this week, we have made some very specific child rearing decisions. I'm really lucky to have a best friend who shares a lot of the same parenting ideals. We can vent, celebrate, and have legit discussions with one another. Unfortunately she is states away. This is forcing me out of my element to start networking with other similar mamas.

Meeting other like-minded moms is a huge goal for me this year. Other than my bestfriend, I don't know another CD mom 'in real life'. Babywearing seems foreign to everyone we know. Our friends are puzzled by our Tummy Tub and our plans to make homemade baby food. Lots of people think we're the epitome of weird for co-sleeping.  So, I sought out a place where parents like us might gather.  Without a doubt, that place is MommyCon!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Chocolate Chip Toffee Oatmeal Cookies aka Lactation Cookies

On Sunday I shared our breastfeeding story - the ups and the downs, the good and the bad. I have to say, I really appreciate all of the kindness and support. It's reassuring to know that other people have had similar experiences and triumphed in one way or another. I am positive that the improvements to my milk supply were due to suggestions from the lactation specialist. And when your doctor suggests a magical cookie that will boost your milk supply, you say 'yes please.'

These aren't just any cookies. These are Lactation Cookies. These are a nursing mama's baked bestfriend. Try them. You'll be a believer too. Even if you aren't nursing (and I imagine that is most of you), try these anyway - they'll hit the spot.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Our Breastfeeding Journey - A Rocky Road

Disclosure: What I'm sharing today is long and incredibly personal. I mean, you can't get a lot more personal than boobs and childrearing decisions. 

After successfully navigating the road to conception and carrying a beautiful baby to term, you don't think anything can get you down. Especially once you see that little pink baby in the flesh. I sure didn't. I have a ton of experience with children. I read all there was to read about caring for a newborn. I practiced swaddling until I got it just right. I researched different breastfeeding positions. We decided to bedshare and babywear to keep our baby boy close. I made plans to ensure he would be exposed to only the best - a top rated pediatrician, high quality cloth diapers, homemade baby food, and, the most obvious, his mama's breast milk.

Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned.