
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Three Steps to the Ultimate Mac & Cheese

The Mr. needed me to make something for a potluck this past week so I set to work picking something delish, crowd-pleasing, and easy to make in bulk. Summer may be quickly approaching but that doesn't mean I don't like a yummy wholesome side dish... mac and cheese, anyone?

There are a ton of mac and cheese recipes out there and you probably already have a favorite. So rather than share my version, I thought it would be best to give you three tips to take your recipe the best it can possibly be!

1. Use a mixture of cheeses rather than just one. I prefer cheddar, monterey jack, Swiss, and American. Our grocery store even has a "macaroni and cheese" cheese blend but 4-cheese Mexican blend is an awesome option, too.

2. Add a "secret" ingredient. Be it bacon bits, nutmeg, roasted garlic, or my personal favorite - cayenne. Just remember: a little goes a long way. It should just be a hint of something that adds depth to your normal recipe, it should not taste like you added that specific ingredient.

3. Use big pasta. I'm not really sure what purpose plain old macaroni serves but I like a hardy pasta that can hold the cheesiness and stand up to it as well. My favorite store-bought pasta shape for mac & cheese are pipettes. YUM. Medium sized shells work equally well, too.

If you use any combination of those three tips, I can personally guarantee that your standby mac recipe will go from "yummy" to "tummy" in record time. Enjoy!

I'm linking to:

1 comment:

  1. That is so American! (...and so yummy!)
    Did you know that you cannot buy ready-made mac & cheese in Germany? You have to make it yourself! For mine, I use a dash of a special black pepper spice combination, which is usually for dark meat, but I just love it!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess