
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

DIY Dish Towel Market Totes

In honor of our first CSA pick up (check out the yumminess here on Instagram) I wanted to make some simple bags to tote our goodies home. When we were at Ikea this weekend, I grabbed this 4-pack of cotton dish towels which were the perfect material for produce bags -- both absorbent and strong! I love when things just work out that way haha :) The bags turned out so cute, dontcha think??

With that one set of towels, I was able to make 2 large totes and 3 smaller drawstring bags... and I still have another towel left over (I just wasn't quite smitten with the pattern).

I used the same exact method that I did with my Anthro Cut-Lace tote. Rather than making any measurements/cuts, I used the dish towel just as it was.  I didn't take any pictures for a tutorial but it's such a quick and simple project.

1. Fold the towel in half, right sides together.
2. Stitch up the left and right sides (leaving the top open).
3. Box out the bottom; if you're not sure how to do this, check out Dana Made It's tutorial!
4. For the finishing touch, I attached woven handles to each bag. 
5. Flip right side out and they are ready to grab your farmers market (or grocery store) goodies!

Look at how nicely all of those greens fit in there!

Look at our Tuesday haul from the Living Hope Farm:

two types of mixed greens
white & red radishes
a head of lettuce
pea shoots
bok choy

I've only eaten two of those things before (mixed greens and lettuce... haha). Any idea what I could make  with everything else... that is NOT a salad.

I'm linking to:


  1. So practical and cute - they would also be great for going to the beach!
    Btw, I have no idea what bok choy and tatsoi are.


  2. These are adorable! I just found your blog through the North East Bloggers directory list and am excited to be your newest follower via GFC!
    :) Rebecca

  3. This is a great idea and so sophisticated!

  4. love this idea! they would be perfect for toys too


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess