
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mini Bunny & Chick Burlap Sacks

We had a gorgeous weekend -- sunshine, warm weather, and birds chirping. It is Spring at last! I guess that means that Easter is right around the corner. We don't really decorate for Easter but I try to get some Spring stuff out around the house. First thing was a bouquet of tulips, then I made the mason jar photo frame, and now onto some mini burlap treat bags.

How cute are the little pom-pom cotton tails and tweety bird feathered wings? [Squeeeeeeeal] So cute!

You could use your own favorite silhouetted shapes or download the two I designed here

Start by printing the shapes onto a sheet of cardstock and using an xacto knife to cut a stencil.

Grab your little treat bags -- I got these burlap ones from Pick Your Plum around Christmastime but I'm sure you can find them somewhere else easily -- and put a piece of paper/cardboard inside to prevent the paint from bleeding through.

Lay your stencil on top with the image where you want it on the bag. Mix your acrylic paint -- if you want this to be washable, feel free to add fabric medium but it's unnecessary.

Use a stiff brush to start stippling the paint around the outline of the shape.

Once your outline is done, fill it in.

Remove your stencil, admire your handiwork, and let the paint dry. Do the same thing with the little chick outline.

You could simply leave the bags as is because they are kind of fantastic. I on the other hand wanted some added pizzazz. I rifled through my craft stash and got little yellow feathers and fluffy pompoms.

With just a dab of tacky glue and an hour of drying time, your bags will now have the perfect finishing touch.

I tossed the finished burlap sacks into my favorite nest basket and filled them with Easter candies. These would be great filled with flower seeds, jelly beans, fresh baked goodies, or even little gifts.

I'm linking to:


  1. So cute! Love that they are simple and still adorable - and the little feather details are great.

    I'll definitely have to do something spring-y, but there was snow today, so I'm still not quite in the mood =)


  2. Cuuute! And easy - doesn't get any better than that!

  3. So darn cute, I love them! great job! xo jen

  4. These are great! I think the feather and pompoms are genius!

    Rosie xo

  5. So super cute, I love the little pom poms! I made heart burlap bags for Valentine's day, and I think I need to whip out another batch for Easter!

  6. Thank you so much for the silhouettes! I've been googling and googling for a good "rear view" outline, lol. Happy Easter to you!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess