
Monday, March 11, 2013

Insta Replay Monday #24

Eeep. It's Monday. This has been such an incredible weekend -- not because of anything huge but simply because. The weather was lovely, the company I had was incredible, and the time that passed was just what I needed.

Highlights from this week?
Lots of best friend time -- I was one lucky lady.
A quick Target stop on Friday after work and asked my Instagram friends to vote on a dressing room ensemble (they said yes, so it looks I'll be stopping tonight!)
On Saturday morning I met bestie, her fiance, and her mother for brunch and her first bridal dress fitting!
Quinn and I went out on The Perkiomen Trail -- twice
While the Mr. was at his brother's bachelor party I had a night just for me -- crafting, chick flicks, drinks with the bestie, and HomeGoods!
Last night we watched The Life of Pi and it was beautiful to say the least

Check back tomorrow for the cutest Easter treat bags you ever did see :)

1 comment:

  1. Pretty dresses! Which one did you buy? And I love the octopus plates, they're so cute. Haven't seen Life of Pi, but I watched Black Swan - man, that was a movie.

    Looking forward to your Easter bags! =)



Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess