
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Morse Code Necklace Tutorial

Yay, I got another project off of the to-do list! Enter in the Morse Code necklace {and tutorial!}. I've been meaning to find a necklace to symbolize the unity between the Mr. and I, but the whole two hearts intertwined thing just isn't my style. I thought about maybe an M for our last name but even that seemed a bit too obvious. After much thinking, I decided upon doing a simple Morse Code necklace. 

This really was simple... almost as simple as my bar pendant necklace except this took a tad more planning with the pattern. As with most of my favorite projects, this is completely customizable -- any colors you like in any word/phrase that you want. Want to see how I made this little beauty? Read on!

I think it's best to use beads that are the same color (or as close to it as you can find) just so it doesn't detract from the morse code pattern. Then again, do what you like though... that's the fun of this project. 

Unless you're some undercover wizard, you probably don't know Morse Code off the top of your head. When I was researching, I found this translator. However, when I was up in my craft room I was too lazy to go grab my laptop, so I found a Morse Code chart on my phone that worked just fine.

I originally wanted to do our wedding date but as you can see above it was super long and there was not a lot of variation in the dots/dashes. I chose our last name because the dashes and dots were a better mix.

 This might sound a bit confusing, but once you start doing it, you'll know exactly what I'm trying to say.

And that's that! You're all done and ready to wear your personalized masterpiece.

Do you absolutely adore my little elephant trinket box? I sure do! I got it at HomeGoods for all of $10! Woot woot. And look at that cute couple on their wedding day... aww! (Tee hee!)

If you liked this project, I'd be delighted if you'd consider following Spool and Spoon via email or through Google Friend Connect; there are plenty of other simple tutorials and mouth-watering recipes for you to discover! Also, did you know Spool and Spoon has a Facebook? Hop on over so you don't miss any of the fun. 

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  1. Very clever and unique! I like it!

  2. What a lovely and original idea!

  3. I love this and am heading over to follow via GFC right away.

  4. All right. You are awesome. I try to comment on other link parties posts, and I pick a few favorites. It just so happens that I linked onto this one and your purse/camera bag. I couldn't believe it you are so talented. My sisters started a blog that we would love for you to see, we are four sisters who have been making jewelry for a long time and we are sharing our jewelry and knowledge of what we know!

  5. I want loads of those (just as bracelets) to say all kinds of stuff only I know. This is SO brilliant!!! Perfect for myself, perfect as gifts, perfect even as strings to wrap gifts with, if you just bead cheap fishing line or thread.
    Oh the possibilities!

  6. FABULOUS idea!!!! Seriously...super creative. Just love it!

  7. Can't believe I haven't seent his before at your blog! Well, that just proves that you also have to check out blogs that you already love again and again =)

  8. How clever & adorable!1 i love personal & memorable jewelry. Since I don't know Morse code, I doubt I'd ever have thought of this!! My husband does so I'll have to 'pick his brain' for some cute ideas. Kudos!!

    1. Don't you worry, I didn't know any actual morse code either! As you can see from the one image above, it took me while to figure out something that was not only meaningful but also pretty when "written" in morse code. Some things just don't translate as well as others. I've never been one for the dog tag pendants or anything like that -- I like something to be personalized but also PERSONAL. Not everyone needs to know why something is so special and that's why I like this necklace so much :)


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess