
Monday, September 17, 2012

Indoor S'mores

I already mentioned that I had a girls' night on Saturday with my bestie. She had the most brilliant idea ever to do a wine, cheese, and chocolate night at home and what's not to love about that? Her papa got us some amazing artisanal cheeses (he spoils us girls), she picked out some delicious wine, and I was tasked with the chocolate treat. I was a huge procrastinator and didn't actually decide what I wanted to make until 90 minutes before I was supposed to be at her house. Being that time was not on my side, I threw together a quick dish of Indoor S'mores.

Graham crackers (quartered)
Dark chocolate *Quality is important here*
Chopped and toasted hazelnuts

1. Lay out half of your graham crackers in a single layer on a baking sheet. Top with marshmallows on each. If using large marshmallows, cut them in half. If using small ones, lay them in a line.

2. Put the broiler on low and toast the marshmallows until they are golden. Immediately remove from the oven and top with the other half of the grahams.

3. Using a double broiler, melt the chocolate down. If you'd rather, just stick it in the microwave for 30-second increments and stir each time until it's melted.

4. Dip the grahams/marshmallows into the chocolate, then place onto a sheet of parchment paper. Sprinkle with the hazelnuts and let them set.

You probably already knew that I love s'mores because of my yummy s'mores cookies, but these little bites are just perfect for noshing on. If you'd rather a more traditional s'more, you can spread the melted chocolate  directly onto the marshmallow after you remove them from the oven and before you top with the second graham. That was originally what I planned to do, but I saw the hazelnuts in the freezer with the chocolate chips and I couldn't resist adding them.

(Sorry for the limited pictures but these were literally the only photos I snapped due to the time crunch.)

If your taste buds are tingling, I'd be delighted if you'd consider following Spool and Spoon via email or through Google Friend Connect; there are plenty of other mouth-watering recipes and incredibly simple projects for you to discover! Also, did you know Spool and Spoon has a Facebook? Hop on over so you don't miss any of the fun. 

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1 comment:

  1. Drool! I'd love some of those right now - they look too fancy to be smores ;-)
    Did you know that most of those crazy Germans have never even heard of smores? (Just think of all those missed childhood memories around the campfire!) We seem to be the only ones to occassionally make them on the barbecue grill. So this will get us through the winter! =)


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess