
Monday, September 3, 2012

Low-Fat Crispy Eggplant

Happy Labor Day!!

So we all know that my zucchini chips did not turn out very well, but that didn't mean I was going to give up on my healthy food quest. After all, I've lost another two pounds this week! Woohoo!! Ever since starting Weight Watchers, I've been much more cognizant of what I'm eating. Being that all fruit and most veggies are "point free," I really do my best to load up on them rather than carbs or fatty proteins. Last night I made these yummy baked eggplant slices for a whopping one point per serving (due to the bread crumbs).

The Mr. and I went to the farmers' market this weekend and got a ton of fresh produce. Some markets are a bit too "designer" and while I love them, the prices tend to be very high. This one in particular may not be the fanciest, but there is a ton of homegrown fresh fruit and veggies... for cheap!

these few things totaled all of THREE dollars!

See? Can't beat that. I've never tried eggplant before but thought I could whip something together. Eggplant parm was the first thing that came to mind, but I wanted more of a snack than a meal. I settled on making crispy eggplant slices. After eating these delights, I'm happy with my decision.

INGREDIENTS (2 servings)

  • 1 eggplant
  • 1/4 cup of almond milk (regular, no sugar added)
  • 1 tablespoon of dijon mustard
  • 4 tablespoons of seasoned panko breadcrumbs
  • Red or white sauce, for dipping


  1. Pre-heat oven to 425
  2. Wrap a cookie sheet in parchment paper
  3. In a shallow dish, mix together the milk and mustard
  4. Slice the eggplant into 1/4 inch slabs
  5. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of the panko breadcrumbs over the cookie sheet
  6. Dip and flip the eggplant around in the milk mixture
  7. Place the eggplant on the breadcrumbs in one layer
  8. Sprinkle the remaining breadcrumbs over the eggplant
  9. Bake for 20 minutes until golden 
  10. Serve along red or white sauce for a yummy snack, appetizer or vegetarian meal/side dish

Have you started a weight loss regiment to shed those unwanted pounds before the holiday season bloat? If so, I'd love to know some of your favorite healthy recipes as well. Feel free to email me!

Please consider following Spool and Spoon via email or through Google Friend Connect for projects, simple tutorials, and delicious recipes! Also, did you know we have a Facebook? Take a look so you don't miss any of the fun. 

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  1. I have some very small eggplant in my garden; we are in the drought area and I am happy with anything that grew!!! I think your recipe sounds yummy, and I am trying it out!!! I don't need to lose weight, but found out I am diabetic, and it is hard to eat right!

  2. Hi Jess,
    You know, eggplant has to be my least favourite vegetable of all time! I think it was because years ago a friend's mother made it in a sauce and it was all mushy which I did not enjoy at all.

    I must admit that after seeing your recipe it looks delicious with a bit of crispiness. yum.:)

    I know eggplant is a very good veggie to eat so I am going to try this recipe and see for myself. And maybe you will have me eating eggplant again.

    I have recently decided to become a vegetarian and haven't eaten red meant in almost a year, and Thanksgiving will be the last time I eat fowl. Then of course I will stop eating fish too. Even though fish is something I do enjoy.

    I've been collecting vegetarian dishes recipes and a lot of them look yummy. I do love veggies and pasta, rice, and tofu so I can see me being a happy vegetarian.

    Thanks again for all you post on your awesome blog.
    Oh and about my chicken soup.....after seeing your recipe I would be too embarrassed to say how I make my quick soup. lol So we'll leave that one alone. lol

    Talk soon
    Laura hugs


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess