
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Halloween Subway Art {Printable}

I'm a bit obsessed with Halloween already. Please don't judge me. I'll be the first one to admit that I rush the holidays. Still, two Halloween projects before the first week of September has come to an end might be a record, even for me. I have too much I want to accomplish before October gets here.

I have to start on the outdoor decorations, figure out costumes for the Mr., Quinn, and I (never again will I attempt to put clothes on Aubrey, haha), decide what fun treat I'll be making for our annual Halloween party, pick what candy we'll be handing out to the trick-or-treaters, and make little gifts for our favorite kids. Since it's still really hot and humid out, it's hard to focus on those things though. Instead, I put all of my inspiration to good use in a fun subway art printable.

I love how creepy crawly it turned out. I haven't even had a chance to print it just yet. I need to find a fun frame to put it in first and then I'll be good to go. I created a few color combos, take a look below. If you don't see one that you'd prefer, let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Top Row (L to R): Black/Orange, Blue Grey, White/Orange
Middle Row (L to R): Dag, Black/White, Brown
Bottom Row (L to R): Purple/Orange, Grey, Orange/Black

Some close ups!


If you liked this post, you should consider following Spool and Spoon via email or through Google Friend Connect so you won't miss out on other printables, projects, and simple recipes. Also, visit the Facebook page to help me decide how I should decorate for Halloween this year! I'd really appreciate your thoughts.

I'm linking to:


  1. Ha ha, you were definitely not joking when you said you were obsessed with Halloween! You might just infect me with the Halloween virus! Then I'll be the only crazy person out here who decorates their house with stuff like that... and get all my neighbors gossiping about us ;-) I've got the red hair, so I'll make a perfect witch, right? xo

  2. You did a great job with these. Love all the color choices!

  3. I'm such a sucker for free printables! Just came across your blog and love it! I'm off to read some more posts. Have a wonderful weekend, sugar! xo

  4. Oh I love!!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm about to get my Halloween mantle together!

  5. This is wonderful! I have just the spot for this on my mantel!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess