
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stars and Stripes: Grand Finale Table Runner

Thanks to the Mr.'s dad, we have an chic white dining room table. It's the perfect blank canvas for everything from delicate salt and pepper shakers to pretty table runners. We've got quite a few (runners, not shakers), but we were lacking one with July 4th flair. I had considered using some striped and starred fabrics, but since I look forward to seeing the fireworks every year I thought this would be a different take on All-American. 

  • Raw Canvas (length of table + 2 feet) -- use an existing table runner as a guide
  • Pencil
  • Pinking Shears
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Fabric/Textile Medium
  • Iron
  • Round Paint Brushes (various sizes)
1. Take your existing runner and lay it over the canvas to act as a template

2. Using your pencil, draw a line running parallel to the runner on the canvas with about 3/4 of an inch between them

3. Cut ALL edges with pinking shears, be sure to cut away from the pencil markings. (I chose not to do so, but if you'd like, you could stitch all the way around in a matching or contrasting thread to further prevent fraying)

4. Iron out any prominent wrinkles
5. Mix fabric medium (2 parts) with acrylic paint (one part) and paint various designs/shapes/colors to emulate fireworks. While I seem to stain everything with acrylic paint and cannot believe that it would ever wash out, going the extra step with the fabric medium ensures that despite any stains or spills, the runner will be perfectly washable.

6. Let dry for 24 hours, then set the paint with a hot iron or a toss in the dryer AND YOU ARE DONE.

Like what you see? Consider following Spool and Spoon for other doable projects and recipes.


  1. It can be hard to find table coverings for the 4th that aren't vinyl. This a a great project.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! That was exactly the problem I was coming across and having a "fake" table cloth on our dining room table didn't seem quite right. This was a super cheap / practically free alternative.

  2. Jess this is so cute!

    I don't have a blog here, but I linked to your blog over at Wordpress & "nominated" you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Do with it what you want! ;) Here's the link ( & I love your crafts!

    1. Kylie -- you're one of the kindest people I know. Thank you for the Award. I will most definitely need to start thinking about who to nominate.


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess