
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bay Breeze Popsicles

If you liked the Coconut Mango Margarita Popsicles, you're in for a treat. I love me some fruity cocktails, and as much as the Mr. would like to deny it, he does too. These Bay Breeze Popsicles are delicious and chocked full o' fresh fruit... that makes them a healthy alternative, right?

Rather than make these with alcohol, I opted for a virgin option. Three ingredients, some time to freeze, and you're done. If you wanted to add vodka, keep it at a minimum or they will have a difficult time setting properly.

  • 2 cups of chopped pineapple
  • 1 cup of 100% cranberry juice
  • Lime slices
  1. Blend until frothy and smooth (about a minute)
  2. Slip some lime slices into the molds (1 per popsicle)
  3. Pour into popsicle molds or Zoku
  4. Let set for 4-6 hours (molds) or 5-7 minutes (Zoku)
There you have it. It's that easy. I dare you not to enjoy these juicy delights.

Like what you see? Consider following Spool and Spoon for other great recipes and DIY projects.

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xo Jess