
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas to All!


Sending love and lots of joy to your family, now and always. Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! 

P.S. Don't forget the milk and cookies for Santa :)

I'm linking to:

Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Holiday Home - 2013

So many bloggers are showing off their magazine-worthy houses and I'm like "heyyy, come look at my artificial tree and dusty windowsills." Haha, I'm only kidding. Comparison is the thief of joy, afterall. Our sweet little town home is not a showroom. It is, however, lived in and loved. It's a work in progress. And considering the Great Second Floor Flood of 2013, I'll take it just the way it is.

We are kind of no-frills and simple for the holidays. Here are some of the little things that I'm crushing on around the house this holiday season:

our new porch lantern (Home Depot) and natural swag

the snowcovered holly tree off of our front porch

this sweet little pup who would be sure to greet you if you actually stopped by

our warm and rustic fireplace

the glistening of my favorite balsam candle against the ornaments on the coffee table

the bay window vignette, complete with faux sweater trees

especially that sweet little felt birdie from Ikea

the Christmas tree... bokeh and all

the Pottery Barn birch bark candles that I refuse to burn

<3 the collection of cards that Joe and I have sent out over the last five years <3

the fluffy pom poms and hedgie snowglobe jar

the itty bitty vignette above the kitchen sink

I ran out of sunlight to adequately photograph the rest (the short winter days are a blogger's arch nemesis for sure) but I hope you enjoyed this little peak into our life. 

I'm linking to:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Flashback Friday: Snow Globe Shadow Box Tutorial

This post was originally posted  last year but it's one of my most popular holiday projects and most-pinned... Definitely worth a re-share! If you missed it then, take a look-see!

>> So far, this is definitely my favorite tutorial of The 25 Projects of Christmas. Maybe it's not just a coincidence that these Snow Globe Shadow Boxes happen to be my lucky number eight! It's vintage-y, pretty, wintery, and cute. Really, there is nothing you won't love about these. 

If you're around these parts often, you probably realized that I prefer very traditional and rustic decor at Christmastime and these are not that at all. Still, I adore them. The boxes turned out so whimsical and retro due in major part to the color scheme. I was inspired by the original theme of Cocalores and I must say, Anja knows what she's doing with the blue and pink combo because it worked like a charm.  Read on for the full tutorial!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Brr, It's Cold - Set of 3 Winter Printables

Today we had an itty bitty mini blizzard. And tomorrow? Well, the high is supposed to be all of 25 degrees. BRRR. Baby, it's really  cold outside. I can't complain though, I absolutely love this time of year. If you do too, you might really appreciate these printables that will transcend your normal Christmas decor. I think I'll be framing these babies for January. What about you?

Feel free to download and print these winter goodies 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe - Felt Christmas Wreath

Every year we hang an artificial mistletoe kissing ball that I scored on clearance at Target several years ago. I love it to pieces and wish we had more doorways in the house to hang lots of mistletoe all over. Simply put, I've been mad about mistletoe lately. If you've seen any of my recent pins on my Christmas board, you probably made that assumption already. I took my little infatuation to the next level with this year's winter wreath... a Felt Mistletoe Wreath that I'll be referring to as my "Meet Me Under the Mistletoe" Wreath. #swoon

There are several felt mistletoe wreaths available online like this one from Olive and Cocoa for $128 (ouch!) and this one from The Century House for $70 (wowzers). But let's be real, Christmas is only a couple of weeks away and spending more than $20 is not really my taste. Going DIY was an easy decision.

If you'd like to create your own, grab some felt and a wreath form and let's get cranking!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Flashback Friday: DIY Faux Sweater Trees

These DIY "Sweater" Trees are my absolute favorite project from last Christmas. Easy, thrifty, and timeless. I was so glad to get to pull them out again this year. In case you missed the original post last December, here's a step-by-step tutorial to create your own warm and fuzzy Christmas Trees.

<<Have you seen those adorable sweater trees floating around the blogosphere? I have and I adore them. The only problem is that I love all of my sweaters too much to cut them up. Oh, and our local thrift stores are closed on the weekend so no snagging them on my time off either. Instead, I came up with a nice fake option, but I'm fancy and I'll call them faux instead. These "sweater" trees are sweet sixteen of The 25 Projects of Christmas.

These are super easy and involve a technique that you probably mastered in day camp -- Finger Knitting.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Mad Libs at Sumo's Sweet Stuff

To kick off the holiday season, I'm sharing a really fun Christmas printable at Sumo's Sweet Stuff. Actually, I'm sharing FIVE. Come check them out -- I promise that your kids will be glad you did! 

You want a sneak peek? Here ya go!

Now, come on over for the other four -- I'll see you there!