
Sunday, June 16, 2013

CSA Pick Up #2

I already shared the yumminess we received from Living Hope Farm for our first pick up. The second pick up was even more bountiful! (It's a bit late as we're getting our next pick up on Tuesday afternoon but it's been busy around these parts.) Seriously though, we got SO much, see what I mean?

What's cool is that a lot of this stuff is something I would never have bought on my own so it's really forcing me out of my comfort zone in the kitchen. So, what all did we get? Here's the breakdown --
Swiss Chard
Green Onions
Chinese Cabbage
Mixed Greens
Bok Choy
Strawberries (that we picked ourselves!)

It's been so exciting each week to handpick our own fresh veggies at the farm. I've been trying not to prepare menus for the week until Tuesday nights so nothing goes to waste (as I can't say that none of the above turned to compost...) What tips do you have to keeping veggies fresh? 

I cannot wait to see what earthy goodness we get on Tuesday! 

I'm linking to:


  1. We just started a CSA too and I'm having a hard time getting through everything! I found this yummy kale and artichoke dip which is awesome: I also freeze the spinach and chard in individual bags for green smoothies then make sure to use the other stuff first. :)

  2. Looks great! In my garden, chives grow merely for decorative purposes - I just love the flowers!

    I will send you a proper e-mail later on. xo


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess