
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Very Berry Summer Sangria

Seeing as 90 degree temperatures are now in our forecast and today is my baby brother's 21st birthday, it's about time for a yummy summer cocktail! My absolute favorite is sangria. My father in law swears by the boxed variety but making your own is almost too easy and the taste can't be beat! My Very Berry Summer Sangria should be on your menu for every cookout this summer.

We celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday on Sunday and when I asked what we could bring, she responded with "bring that sangria from last year - it was so good and I NEED that recipe!" so you know it's a winner.

1 bottle of sweet red wine
1 bottle of a sweet rose wine
1 pound of strawberries, chopped
1 pint of raspberries
1 golden delicious apple, peeled and chopped
the juice of an entire lime
1 cup of cranberry juice
1/4 cup of grapefruit juice
1 cup of Sprite

The instructions are as follows:
Mix all of the ingredients together in a gallon pitcher.
Yep, that's it. Mix it and you're done.
Serve chilled... NOT over ice.

P.S. Happy happy birthday to my favorite brother. Love you more than you will ever know. xoxo

I'm linking to:


  1. YUMMMM!!! I love sangria and this recipe looks like a great one. I like to add a splash of raspberry vodka to my sangria :)

  2. Yum, love sangria. Will need to try your recipe.

  3. Definitely bookmarking this one for my own birthday celebrations! Looks delicious!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess