
Thursday, May 2, 2013

SYTYC Voting Closes Soon!

Oh no -- I just realized that I forgot to remind everyone about So You Think You're Crafty this week and voting is ALMOST over.  Duct Tape was by far the most difficult challenge for me... Come check out what I made and vote for your favorites! I knew from the beginning that this challenge was going to be my Achilles Heel.I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that you'll love my project because I am not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Thanks again. -- BTW, on Saturday I'll be sharing a tutorial for the raincoat that I made for Quinn during last week's "Upcycle" challenge! Don't forget to stop back then because your favorite four-legged friend would look way too adorable in one of these.

I'm linking to:


  1. Super excited for this tutorial! My doggy hates being wet.

  2. Brilliant! What a fabulous idea!

  3. Cute - Coca would love it! (Okay, frankly, she would probably hate it because she hates wearing stuff, but I would love it =)

    I don't know why SYTYC is always "eaten" by my blog reader, I never ever get the post in time to vote. Pffft. But you don't need my vote to sail on through, your projects are always so great!



Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess