
Monday, May 13, 2013

Insta Replay Monday #33

I really didn't want this weekend to end. To be fair, I can't remember the last time I was looking forward to a Monday though haha. I hope all of you moms (even you mamas with little fur babies) had a wonderful Mother's Day! You all already know how I spent my Friday night... and let me just say that The Great Gatsby was FANTASTIC. If I had any complaint, I would say that it was super long but considering how incredible it was, I'd barely acknowledge that as an issue. Did you have a nice weekend? Do anything fun?

Despite being ridiculously busy last week (or because of?) I was horribly inactive on Instagram but if you follow along, you saw:

1. Storm clouds on my drive home from the huge event my company through on Wednesday
2. Big thanks to the Mr. on all of the progress he has made on our kitchen... getting there!
3. Our fat little Aubergine. How flippin cute is she?
4. Pretty flowers that surprised me on Friday
5. I woke up super late on Saturday morning but Quinn still loved me to pieces
6. I babysat my three favorite kids in the world. Their baby brother - not pictured - is awfully cute, too!
7. Sports Bar for some Phillies action :)

I'm linking to:

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, hello kitchen! Can't wait to see more! =)

    Mondays have a way of sneaking up on people who are busy enjoying their weekends, right? ;-)



Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess