
Monday, May 6, 2013

Insta Replay Monday #32

This is going to be a crazy week at work so pardon my absence ahead of time.  I'm going to have a few posts prepared ahead of time but I'll be back with some brand new projects next week :) Normally I would be reminding you to go visit So You Think You're Crafty in hopes that one of my projects would be in your fave few and even though I'm out, you should still head on over and support those ladies in their efforts!

Anywho, I had an off and on presence on Instagram this week. Take a look:

1. At one of my fave places on Earth - Starbucks & Target combo
2. My new succulent desk garden for work
3. Quinn & Aubergine being cordial -- I just love those girls!
4. Some gorgeous back roads we were on this weekend
5. On our way to visit some friends for dinner, we stopped for a yard sale... at an alpaca farm! How cool?
6. A bright floral arrangement that came from one of my old employees
7. The cutest little hound dog ever -- pooped after celebrating her adoption day
8. The summer addition of Kids Crafts 1-2-3 magazine -- my project was featured on the front cover!!
9. A pond that we crossed right at sunset on the way home Saturday night
10. The backsplash tiles that the Mr. and I are currently leaning towards


  1. Love the backsplash - so pretty! And how did you land in a magazine? So cool! xo

  2. I love your puppy. So adorable.

  3. I LOVE YOUR CAT! :) We have twin kitties! Check my instagram and see :) @ashley6


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess