
Monday, October 29, 2012

Insta Replay Monday #6

I'm writing this a few hours early on the off-chance we don't have any electricity or internet due to the now infamous Frankenstorm that is supposed to berate the East Coast with torrential downpours, hurricane like winds, and maybe even snow. Let's hope not though as I don't want a replay of last year where ALL of the beautiful, mature trees in our neighborhood snapped in half.

Anywho, HAPPY MONDAY! We're back this week with the sixth Insta Replay Monday. This past week was pretty relaxing and full of wholesome goodness so I can't complain. The Mr. and I stopped by our favorite pumpkin patch and bought some gigantic pumpkins. We crafted some Dia de los Muertos sugar skull decorations together which might have been my favorite part. We also went to the movies TWICE (we kind of have the best movie theater ever). I babysat some really adorable kids. I went to dinner with a friend from college and the best advisor ever. It was so nice especially given the stress of the past few weeks/months. 

And yes, that is the Mr.'s behind. Shhhh don't tell him. 

I'd be oh so happy if you'd consider following Spool and Spoon on Instagram so I can follow back! I'm pretty much addicted to the site; it's like Twitter only a bajillion times better. Seriously, who cares that you checked into the gym when you could post a picture of your super cute running shoes instead?! Also, did you know Spool and Spoon has a Facebook? Hop on over so you don't miss any of the fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Loved that pic of your pumpkin skulls on instagram! Way to go! =)

    What's Quinn wearing? Is that her plan B Halloween costume? ;-)

    Hope you guys are alright over there, the news talked about all that nasty weather. Stay safe! xo


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess