
Monday, October 8, 2012

Insta Replay Monday #3

Welcome to Insta Replay Monday! This past week was stressful as all heck but there were definitely some highlights... Take a look!

Are you on Instagram, too? If so, do you put only "important" things on there or do you share random stuff like me? I'd love to see for myself... care to share your username? Please and thank you!

I'd be delighted if you'd consider following Spool and Spoon via email or through Google Friend Connect; there are plenty of other photos for you to discover on my Instagram! Also, did you know Spool and Spoon has a Facebook? Hop on over so you don't miss any of the fun. 


  1. your pup is so cute! following you now! i hope you stop by.

  2. Love your pup! It's so fun that they always sit like that for photos, right? I have so many photos of Coca's nose! ;-)


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess