
Monday, October 1, 2012

Insta Replay Monday #2

HAPPY OCTOBER! I can't believe that Autumn is in full swing already... Yay! 

Anywho, we're back for week numero dos of Insta Replay Monday! I hope at least one of the pictures from this week gets you a bit intrigued as to what I'm up to on a day-to-day basis. 

As with last week, feel free to ask anything you want about the pictures.

This isn't show and tell so normally I wouldn't throw in any blurbs... but what about that spider?! EEEEEK. It had been staked out all week on our patio, until today... DUN DUN DUNNNN. The Mr. came to my rescue and finally took care of it today. Have I mentioned how much I love him?

I'd be delighted if you'd consider following Spool and Spoon via email or through Google Friend Connect; there are plenty of other photos for you to discover on my Instagram! Also, did you know Spool and Spoon has a Facebook? Hop on over so you don't miss any of the fun. 

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xo Jess