
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Semi-Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

One of the meals I remember most vividly from my childhood was my grandma's Chicken Noodle Soup. I can remember how the aroma would surround the house and you'd smell it before you even walked through the front door. The chunks of chicken breast, the fresh stock, and the tasty combination of stewed vegetables... Yum! Just the thought of it makes my tummy grumble. There are so many days where I find myself sitting at work craving that soup for dinner; too bad the recipe takes at least half a day to make.

Well, how about the authentic taste of a homemade chicken soup in a fraction of the time?! Sound too good to be true? Not so!

Want to know my secrets? Well, read on.

The deli is your friend! Pick up a freshly cooked rotisserie chicken. This will save you  plenty of time and is great on your wallet. You'll have a variety of meat for one low price (usually under $5) and by using the entire thing (bones and all) you'll add tons of flavor.
Also, why clean and chop your vegetables when you can find all the ones you'll need at the salad bar? They have cubed celery, shredded carrots, chopped onions, and options galore of seasonal veggies. I bought at least three cups and spent only $3.47!
You'd be surprised at how fresh herbs can knock your soup up a notch. I personally like a ton of thyme and rosemary in my chicken noodle soup. It might sound silly, but adding in fresh rather than dried can really "brighten" your dish. You'll taste the difference, guaranteed.
While I'd prefer to make my own stock, it's a lot of work and not necessarily worth it since there are other options. If you don't have the time (or interest) to make your own, invest in a good base for your soup. This is definitely not the part to skimp on.

Now, on to the easiest chicken noodle soup you will ever make.

2 quarts of low sodium chicken broth
2 bay leaves
1 rotisserie chicken
1 clove of garlic
1 bundle of fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary, sage, etc)
1 tablespoon of salt
1 cup of chopped carrots
1 cup of chopped celery
1 cup of chopped onions
1 bag of fresh spinach

1. Combine chicken broth, bay leaves, rotisserie chicken (kept WHOLE), garlic and a bundle of your favorite herbs in a large stock pot.
2. Simmer for 40 minutes.
3. Discard the herbs, bay leaves, and garlic.
4. Remove the chicken with tongs and let cool on a shallow dish
5. Pass the chicken broth through a fine mesh sieve to ensure that no remnants of fat or small bone find their way into your soup.
6. Add the broth back to your stock pot and bring to a boil
7. Toss in 3 cups of chopped vegetables and let simmer until they are tender.
8. Add 1 bag of fresh spinach, and let simmer until it wilts.
9. Shred the chicken and add to the soup
10. Stir the salt in, to taste.

Immediately before serving, cook off your favorite type of noodle. I'd suggest letting them cook until al dente as they'll still absorb tons of broth once they're added to your soup.

No matter what, it's DELISH! Enjoy :)

Yeah, you see that right. Instead of my normal egg noodle favorites, I threw in a handful of alphabet noodles haha. The Mr. was even a bit surprised at the childish quality... but seriously, it's chicken noodle soup! What can you expect?

If that's not a perfect chilly night dinner, then I don't know what is. Enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. This soup looks delicious! I too love chicken soup and have my quick way of making one but I must say this beats mine.

    Next shopping, I will be buying the ingredients for this soup and can't wait to eat it with my daughter who also is a chicken soup lover.

    I am so hungry right now. lol

    Thank you again Jess. hugs


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xo Jess