
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Notes for the Teacher {Printable}

I had a very sweet reader send an email asking if I had a printable to give to teachers. While I have one for babysitters and one for parents (from babysitters), I unfortunately did not have what she was looking for. To be honest, it never really crossed my mind either. Because she was so kind to go out of her way to ask, I really wanted to do what I could to accommodate her request and committed myself to making one.

Since the Mr. and I don't have kids (let alone ones that are in school), I wasn't even sure what a parent might notify a teacher about. After a night of trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to include and how I wanted it laid out, I finally ended up with a finished product.

This printable includes a variety of information for a parent to use in practically any situation. It's meant to make both your life and the teacher's day easier. For convenience, it's perfectly sized to fit four per sheet when printing. It's not even necessary to print in color if you would rather have copies available in black and white.

This is what one might look like when filled out:

Keep plenty on hand and grab one whenever you need to update your child's teacher about anything ranging from when they'll be dropped off tomorrow to the book they lost at school yesterday.

Download your copy HERE
I hope it'll be plenty useful for you!

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  1. Really cute! As a teacher, you're usually lucky to get an almost legible note, so this must totally make them ecstatic!
    The only suggestion I'd like to make is leaving a little more space below "other" so they can write one or two lines there - but as I'm not a parent either, how would I know ;-)
    You could make a printable for husbands, too - ha ha!
    xo Anja

  2. Very useful! I only needed to let the teacher know that I'm picking up my daughter early today. So, I shrunk it to print two per page. It worked perfectly. Thanks!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess