
Monday, September 24, 2012

Insta Replay Monday #1

I finally decided to get down with Instagram and... yeah, I'm obsessed.  Now I know what all of the hype was about. While I haven't caught Twitter  fever, the idea of taking pictures of the things that defined my day got me hooked. Totally loving on it right now. Every Monday I'll share the snapshots from the previous week. Feel free to follow along: @spool_and_spoon

I won't find it necessary to bore you with captions, but if you have questions or comments about any of the pictures, I'd be glad to elaborate!

Happy Monday!


  1. I see friends using this, but still haven't checked it out. Might have to look into it, no idea what it is or does...
    Great pictures!
    Debbie :)

    1. Oh well, not right now. I own a Blackberry and it's not supported. Maybe one day...

  2. That cake needs to be sent to me asap! Was that your wedding cake?


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess