
Monday, July 2, 2012

Canon EOS Rebel T3i

Say hello to my little friend!

image via Canon USA

It's official, I have the most thoughtful husband. Really, I do.

You may have noticed that the quality of yesterday's pictures were of a much higher caliber than older posts and that is all thanks to my super awesome hunk of a husband.

A few months of wishing on every little star has paid off -- I finally have a big girl camera. Yep, this lady is now a very proud DSLR owner. On Friday, my sweetheart came home from work and took my breath away with a brand new Canon EOS Rebel T3i with two lenses (18-55mm and 55-250mm)! Let's be real, this camera is gorgeous and getting it as a surprise was just icing on the cake. I spent the entire weekend reading the manual with my camera in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. I was taking snapshots of just about anything within sight: my toes, spare earrings, Quinn, the ceiling, our pillows, my empty glass, even the manual itself.

This is the second one I took and I love love love it.
(I'd share the first, but it's a silly picture of the Mr. that I don't think he would appreciate being blasted all over the web)

Now that I have this super awesome camera that I plan on getting to know very intimately, I've been busy creating a Pinterest board. "Paparazzi" is for all of the things I need to know, need to have, and need to make in regards to this new camera. What's on it so far? DIY camera accessories (surprise, surprise!), easy to read manuals for dummies like myself, styling guides and editing tips. Take a look:


  1. How funny! I'm wandering through the blogosphere tonight and found myself here (I think from a comment you left on another blog, maybe?) and I see you pinned my DIY Custom Camera Bag (! Small world...mind blown. ;)

    1. Ah! I love how things in life come full cycle. Your camera bag tutorial was fabulous and I actually referenced it when I did my purse to camera bag tutorial. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    2. Ah! I love how things in life come full cycle. Your camera bag tutorial was fabulous and I actually referenced it when I did my purse to camera bag tutorial. Thanks so much for stopping by!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess