
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Burlap Dry-Erase Calendar

I don't know about you, but our summers are jam packed with BBQs, birthday parties, day trips, weddings, vacations, and baseball games -- you name it, we gotta do it. This time of year is when we start double booking our weekends or forgetting plans we already made. A communal calendar in the kitchen is exactly what we needed to stay on track. Considering that our kitchen will be getting remodeled soon (wooo!!) and it'll have a rustic cottage-y feel when it's all said and done, I wanted something that would fit for the long run. 

This dry-erase calendar is now our saving grace!
Cute, right??

Calendar Template (download mine here)
Adequately-sized Frame
Burlap (about 13" by 13")
Linen Scrap
White Twine
Tacky Glue


And the finished product... Tah dah!

Simply write on with a dry-erase marker and you're ready to go!

I'm linking to:


  1. How cute is that! This is so much better than the boring white board in my kitchen. Great idea :)

    1. Right? I wanted a chalkboard but the thought of chalk dust floating around kinda grossed me out haha. Glad you like it!


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess