
Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Quinn-tessential Family of Four!

This has been a whirlwind week for the Mr and I. I mentioned it a few weeks ago, but we had been tossing around the idea of getting a dog (well, mostly it was me doing the tossing and him doing the ignoring, haha). Finally the Mr came around because for as much as I love animals, he has an even softer spot in his heart for them than I do. Once the decision was made, there was never a doubt in my mind that we would turn to a rescue for our newest baby and that we did.

We ran across this listing on for a dog named Quail and her story just broke our heart.
After going through with the entire process (thankfully they don't hand out dogs to just anyone) and having her meet with Aubrey, she finally came to live with us on Friday night! This is our little dog-ter, Quinn:

While a lot of her life to this point has been a mystery, what we do know is that she is a little spit fire but the biggest cuddle bug. Quinn is such a doll and we are so excited to make the rest of her doggy-days better than she could have ever dreamed.

Aubrey and Quinn being civil to one another (this didn't last long, unfortunately)

If you are considering being a pet-parent, resolve to contact a rescue or shelter. Refrain from buying and resolve to adopt. After all, pets are not an item, they are part of your family.


  1. What a cutie! Bet she is happy to have a loving home!

    1. She's been such a doll. A few hiccups along the way, but she's enjoying the constant love and affection. I really can't express enough how important it is to rescue an animal in need. In addition to how you change THEIR lives, they change yours in more ways than I could count.


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess