
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pick-me-up... Please.

Do you ever just not feel like yourself? It downright sucks. I think the worst part about it is that you're left drained in spite of feeling as though you've done nothing important. Personally, having no energy or time to create feels wrong. The Mr and I even went antique-ing last week to get some primitive things and I rummaged through some lovely fabrics... and even with all these super things, the juices just aren't flowing.

If you're feeling a little off, please remember how important it is to spend time (even as little as 5 minutes) doing something just for you. I'm trying to remind myself of this daily.

Little pick-me-ups that will do the trick:

  1. Kiss Your Spouse: It seems too simple, but some physical connection with the person you love can turn your frown upside down (After all, can you kiss with a sad face? I didn't think so.)
  2. Snuggle with Your Pet: We've been discussing adding a dog to our family (which could not make me happier!!). My favorite part of the morning is getting some alone time with Aubs. Usually she's shadowing the Mr., but when I get some furry-purry lovin', it gets my day off on the right foot.
  3. Drink Tea: I've always been a tea drinker (Lemon Zinger anyone?). Tension Tamer has been my go-to lately. It might be purely placebo, but taking a few minutes to slowly sip a hot cop of tea can do wonders for your mindset. Sometimes I'm not sure how I get through the days without this stuff and my favorite coworker always manages to share (thank you <3)
  4. Page through Your Favorite Catalogs: I love magazines, but I need to be able to read them cover to cover and there is hardly enough time for that. Instead, getting to flip through the newest Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, Potting Shed (etc. etc.) catalogs can be an even better stand-in. They are full of dreamy products and to die for inspiration and you can do it in as much or as little time as you like.
  5. Subscribe to Blogs: I might be biased, but reading through the ideas of wonderful ladies each and everyday can do your mind good. I follow so many great blogs via email and I look forward to certain parts of the day because the email subscriptions are like clockwork - I know an email will be coming through with the updates at the same time each day. Getting this regular time-out is refreshing.
  6. Exercise: If I could recommend one thing that will  help just about anyone, it would DEFINITELY be exercise. I've been doing pilates since a little after Christmas and I can't say enough good things about it. For that hour, I think about nothing except what my body is doing and it's the most relaxing yet invigorating experience. Pick something you love, and stick with it.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get some projects done and post soon. Anyhow, it's late and I need to get to sleep :) Hmm.. I should have added that to the list as well!

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xo Jess