
Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Apologies and a Quick Update

Lately, work has been insane to the membrane, insane to the brain. What that translates to is a complete mental shutdown by the time I get home and no ability whatsoever to create, workout, or do anything besides more work. Perfect example of how my personal life has gone to the wayside? I completely mixed up the days and missed my own best friend's birthday! Obviously, this girl needed a serious time out and to beg for forgiveness.

Rather than punish myself, I decided to spend 30 minutes doing something relaxing just for me... Pinterest. I really am addicted to this site and have been for months. Anyhow, I'm just perusing around and what do I find but a picture of myself!!! Weird much? Haha.

After the initial shock wore off (I actually screamed for the Mr. to come and see), I was so excited that Real Simple had moved our makeover story from the magazine to their website.... AHHHH, I am so happy! Check it out! Love it? Questions? Comments?

By the way -- I cannot stress enough that the Mr. and I are NOT messy. I get so embarrassed thinking that the general public would believe that he and I just throw things on the floor in the spare bedrooms in the house... I promise that we don't! (Well... He doesn't... If it weren't for him I probably would be a wreck).  We were just very indecisive about how to utilize all of the extra space once we finished decorating the main living spaces. I learned so much from the design team and they included tons of great tips in the article. Enjoy :)

I plan to get some great projects done this weekend, I promise!


  1. oh my! I love your craft room :) and you real simple helped? amazing!

  2. Thank you! They were a wonderful help and really got the room to where I wanted and needed it to be. I can't help but love every little thing about it.


Feel free to share your thoughts or questions. You make my day!

xo Jess