
Monday, March 19, 2012

Nutella Cheesecake Raspberry Poppers

I picked up a pack of raspberries on Thursday night and just got around to using them. I had considered making a raspberry cheesecake, but seeing as we have ½ an ice cream cake sitting in our freezer, I thought something a bit more petite would be a better choice. I soon came across some cute raspberries stuffed with chocolate chips (1 in each) and I thought, “that looks fantastic but let’s go one step further.”

That’s when I came up with stuffing raspberries with nutella cheesecake... My mouth waters just thinking about it, tee-hee. What’s even better is that my recipe calls for only three ingredients (4 if you want to go above and beyond) and all of only 15 minutes to prepare. I promise that the platter will be cleared faster than that! These are perfect treats for little fingers, yourself or even a simple cupcake garnish.

  • 4 oz (half a package) Neufchatel / Cream Cheese, room temp
  • 1 heaping tablespoon Nutella, room temp
  • 1 pack of raspberries, cleaned & dried
  • Mini chocolate chips, 1 for each raspberry (optional)

  1. Stir in the Nutella with the cream cheese until smooth
  2. Pack the cheesecake mixture into a pastry bag with a fancy tip
    • I used a quart-sized Ziploc freezer bag, cut a small hole in the corner and inserted the tip combo and voila! 
  3. Put the bag into the freezer and let chill for 5-10 minutes
  4. Squeeze a dollop of the cheesecake mixture into the center of each raspberry
  5. Place a single mini chocolate chip onto the top of each raspberry

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, those look aMAzing! Did you save me some?? Thanks for sharing at the Go Nuts Party!


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xo Jess